REACH Metals Gateway

The first ECaBaM workshop

The first workshop, in the context of the EcaBaM programme, was held on 16-17 April 2024. It aimed at bringing together ECHA, Commission and industry representatives to define the role of different actors in relation to restrictions under the Battery Regulation and discuss relevant necessary information that authorities need to carry on their duties. It provided also an opportunity to share the related expertise and experience on materials and regulatory processes. It was a first occasion to get to know each other and set the basis for the future cooperation as well as to discuss a draft questionnaire prepared by Ramboll for the phase 1 of the study (mapping).

The attendance was limited to technical experts working on the batteries in scope (e.g., metal associations providing materials for those, battery manufacturers and recyclers). This to keep a level playing field for the companies and avoid conflicts of interest.

The final report of the workshop is available here

Next steps

Eurometaux will circulate to the participants an updated questionnaire by Ramboll to collect all information needed to conclude the mapping and organise a next workshop in autumn, to discuss the outcomes of the information gathering, among others.

More information: Ainhoa Gonzalez,

Last page update: 29 May 2024